Saturday, July 4, 2015



In every relationship, it will surely reach a point where everything is about to fall apart; be it friendship or love relationship. But if we are strong enough to cope through, put effort to pass through the obstacles, the relationship will regain its power and form even stronger bonds to create a stronger relationship.

And I think my big group of friends where I call Ohana are going through this stage. We once said: "Once an Ohana, always an Ohana." We said we would make this friendship last forever, but what is happening now? I don't know. Well maybe I know, I just don't have enough courage to face it. I really don't know what should I do. Had I notice it earlier, everything would be different. I will not let this happen.

I once heard this, I forgot where. But I think it is really meaningful.
Relationship is just like carrying a bag. When it's new, you pour plenty of love and care towards it. At the beginning, your shoulders feel almost no weight while you're carrying it. But as you carry, your shoulders start to feel a little bit uncomfortable. And the longer you carry, the more heavy it gets and the more burden you feel. At this stage where you feel like giving up, try putting down your bag and give your shoulders some rest. After awhile, carry it up again and the bag will eventually feel light on your shoulders. I know it sound stupid, I don't know how to put it in words hah.

I'll try my best to prevent this friendship from falling apart. I believe we can do this.

That's all for now, bye.

Saturday, May 9, 2015



Here it is again. Our manager told us something which truly touched me and made me spent time reminiscing about it, is it a wrong word to use? Haha excuse me.

People nowadays are really judgemental and yea, most of us often care so much and take to heart to what people say about us. But why?

Try thinking about it, when people criticize or say something bad about us, it's not really a bad thing though, at least it made us notice our own flaws and make us pay more heed to it. We wouldn't know if they do not tell us right? Try to think it in another way, when people did not criticize in front of us, it doesn't mean they did not! They might be criticizing us behind our back. So why do we care so much about people saying it out or not?

Irony isn't it.

I know it's really hard not to care. Ahhhhh, tough *cries* . I'll try my best.

That's all for now!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Something I've learnt


I've been working in a kindy for almost 3 months and one of the morning when we were having a short meeting (as usual but not everyday) , our manager told us a story where I thought I learnt something from it so here it is.

So it started with a child and the parents. Apparently the child was closer to the dad than the mom and the mom wasn't really happy about it. The dad and the child spent so much time together laughing and talking and the mom gets really furious about it but she just keep it to herself. "Why can't my child be close to me too just as how he/she is close to the dad", she thinks. One day, the child and the dad kept whispering to each other and the mom gets super angry that she starts to hate the dad. She thought they were whispering something bad about her. So she was super mad and did not talk to them for days, and the birthday surprise made her realize her silly thoughts.

Have you learnt something? Haha cause I do.

Alright that's all for now!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Moonlight flit


Have you ever thought of making a getaway? Like just running away suddenly, leaving everything behind and hide in a beautiful small village? Sort things out, unwind yourselves and think about life. Well, I actually thought of it, what a silly and stingy thought though, forgive me.

It won't be long, maybe for just a couple of weeks; or maybe a month.

I clearly know that this is a very irresponsible and immature thought, well.. just wondering.

If I really make a flit and just suddenly disappear, like a fog; I wonder who would actually care. Maybe nobody even gives a damn, and everyone would go on moving without the slightest twinge. I wonder if anyone needed me, not my help, not taking me for granted, they just need me, my existence; literally: me. I wonder if anyone would thought of me, thought of our good memories together, and have the urge to find me. I wonder if anyone wants me to stay, stay in their lives. I wonder who would cry for me if I left. Or maybe I didn't belong anywhere; had I disappeared, no one would have noticed.

I wonder if I'm ever important to someone. Or maybe it was just me, all along.

And all these wonderings, will not lead to any answers. I should stop by then.

Alright, that's all for now.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Million doubts.

Hello, so my blog was dead for months haha.

Finished my STPM and yeah, currently working part time as a kindergarten teacher and also a Kumon teacher while waiting for my results and enrollment of uni. Dealing with kids, and I fell in love with them. How cute can they be? Omg too damn cute I can't.

Apart from that, I felt superrrrrr lifeless. Story of my life: work-dramas-nap-phone-sleep.

Maybe I should read more novels to not make my brain stiff. I'm getting lazier day by day.
Or suggest me what else should I do? Heh.

Courses, thousand doubts.

I don't even know what I really like, and nobody can help me besides me.

Just when I have made up my mind, something will just come up and stop me, and yeah I failed making decisions again. Hesitations. Doubts.

Light up the right path for me.

What do I do now?
