Thursday, June 5, 2014



Patience is virtue; and if you're wondering if I have patience; hehe sorry to say, but no. No.

I hate waiting.

Waiting for food, waiting for people, waiting for transport, waiting for... just don't. Don't make me wait; don't waste my time.

Slow unifi, no.
I hate waiting for something to load; for example, pictures. I'd rather not see it then. Games, I'd rather not play it. If my food comes slow, or like when everyone is already eating halfway and mine is still not here yet, omg might as well don't come. I'd rather not eat. Cause I won't have the mood already and people will have to wait for me to eat, again. Maybe I'm being inconsiderate, but.. ugh. Sigh.

I hate to repeat whatever I've said. Repeat for the first time, okay. Second time, alright I'll put up with you for one last time; and for the third time, sigh it's okay forget it.

When it comes to teaching, same thing. I can't teach. When my sister has questions on math or maybe something else, I'll definitely got on fire and pissed. She'll get scolded like mad cow. Sorry I just couldn't bear it.

And the transport. Omg I got pissed all the time when I'm following that damn transport. It's not the transporter problem, he's good, really good and responsible. It's the problem of one of my school mate who is also following that transport. Please freaking come out early will you? You're a freaking guy and you expect me to freaking wait for you all the freaking time. And you're coming out late without any valid reason but just to talk to your friends? I'm so glad and greatful that finally I can drive myself to school, I don't have to wait anymore omg thank you very much.

I feel really uneasy and uncomfortable to make people wait for me. I don't make you wait for me so don't ever make me wait for you. Of course I might make you wait for me sometimes but it'll be one out of ten times okay. Sometimes I already tried to be late according to the time promised but I will still be the early one. Whyyyyyyyy.

Sorry but I just don't have patience. I should be more tolerant and considerate.. Sigh.

Okay, that's all for now.

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