So dance, dance, like it's the last, last night of your life, life
Gonna get you right
Went Waimun's house for dance practice. It was okay. We're learning Clap by Teentop. Changjo & Chunji is cute! ;> . But Waimun took Changjo so I'll just choose my Chunji :)

Cute right? xD
Saturday, November 13.
Went to visit the needy in Kuala Selangor with Shemun & a bunch of peeps from sabs. (LOL (c) Shemun.) She said must reach @ 7.30 & guess what, she's still sleeping -_- . Luckily I'm smart enough to stop my father & asks him fetch me home. It started @ 9. We're really a very lucky child. Born in a good environment, have enough of food, have tv, computer, aircond room & stuffs. Besides visiting the needy, we went to see fishes, chicken with beautiful fur, monkey, goose & many many more la. Saw a super huge bee hive omg. We have seafood for our so-called 'dinner', it's still 4p.m. that time HAHA. Well, she say 12.30p.m. will reach home & GUESS WHAT, we reached home @ 7p.m. -____- . Tired & slept in the bus. & that so-called stalker YX keep taking pictures of us, my god. Get to know some people there :) . Went badminton with Waimun, Shemun, Wyeming, Wanghan, Wenquan & Zichao from 8p.m. to 10p.m. Okay, I'm freaking tired that day.
Pictures, took from Shemun's blog -
Sunday, November 14.
First day of basketball training @ KEVO. Wow, cool right the name ahah! KEVO :P . They say this is a very good training, yeah really. I'm really scared you know. Scared people will laugh at us. :'( Well, our basics sucks. Gary is not a good couch unlike this couch. NO OFFENCE. We paid every month for 60, 1 week 2 times, & he only come two or three times a month. Wth. Do you think that's a good couch? NO WAY. We even paid our jersey for 60 & he still haven give us until now! Everyone don't know where he go. People call him he never answer zzz. He liar la, only know how to bluff money then run. I really want my jersey with my name behind badly. Visited Wenquan @ the shop he's working. Have
* Me, Kaykay, Shemun, Emily, Rachel, Zhen Yang, Wyeming, Wanghan. Anyone else? Forgot :X (Michelle is coming next week!)
Monday, November 15.
Help out in Sabs for the whole day with Wenquan & Shemun & some peeps. Super super tired. Cut the flowers & pandan. My god, my hand all pandan smell wei! :X . Throwing flowers that time those freaking sampat, patpoh aunties keep pushing & snatching for the flower zz. That's our job to throw OKAY? Some more keep blocking zz. Well, I feel very proud & blessed helping out there :) . All of the workers are like models HAHA. Took loads of pictures after the activities end & they say will put it up @ newspaper LOL! Woah so famous. xD Have our so-called supper @ 11 something.
Tuesday, November 16.
Went to Sabs early in the morning & helped a little cause I went there late. Went basketball after that @ Oncidium court. The guys are already playing there plus waiting for us haha. But then because me & Shemun were the only girls there plus the guys are playing game, we walked to Canal & find Munjun ahah & they didn't know xD . Shemun tapao Nasi Lemak on the way. Munjun make coffee for us & wow! Very nice lah the pattern. Too bad we never bring camera D; . Played basketball aftert that, only ss & Wyeming walked here lol. Me, Shemun & Kennard walked to Kennard's house after that @ 10.30 or 11 something LOL. Well, you know right, he's very very rich & is a apple fan LOL. His room got 3 computers & 1 for me, 1 for Shemun, & 1 more for him :D . Played dota together, fun. Ate maggie & went back @ 3.
Wednesday, November 17.
Played basketball early in the morning with Glenneze, Michelle, Shemun, Kaykay & Emily. Me & Shemun teached them, hee, so pro. Played game. & after that, we trained together. Lay up left hand 1 person 5 times (only) LOL. Right hand 30, everyone together. I in the most woohoo thankyou thankyou xD . Then after that shooting lol wth damn noob. Walked to Kaykay's house & have our breakfast :D . After that, me, Glenneze & Shemun walked to Kennard's house & play dota LOL. He's a very great friend :) . Love the computer that i'm using @ his house. It's huge & very nice to play dota with it xD
Thursday, November 18.
Actually going backetball with Wenquan, Zhenyang, Wanghan, Munjun & Wyeming. We fong fei kei LOL cause Shemun not going & I don't want to be the only girl there lol. Having tuition @ 4.30p.m. with my new hairstyle AHAHAH ._. Wow, Zhenyang & Wanghan helped there :O . & Shemun is like so dark LOL, like Kevin xD . Online at night. Chat alot with Zhenyang & told him many things LOL :X . Suddenly so close, that's what he said. Owh & omg lor. OMG. Lol :X
# Long post! LOL. Sorry for leaving my blog dead. :) LOL not really dead lah right :X
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