Hey loves.
Did you guys know that I was chosen to attend PLKN a.k.a National Service? Hohoho. Long Story for this. First thought of National Service? I'm pretty sure that those who have not experience it think it's horrible & terrible. Am I right? Haha so did I. It's like a nightmare to us. Cause of the stories told by the ex-s. I was so pissed when I first found out I was chosen that I cried infront of my computer haha. Only for once.
I used to think I was unlucky getting chosen to attend National Service. There's thousands & millions of people out there. Of all people, why me? And remember what they wrote there? 'Tahniah, anda telah dipilih....' and something like that right? Why tahniah? - Now I found out the reason why it said 'Tahniah!' for getting PLKN haha! (copied from a guy who posted it in twitter xD) I actually felt that I was the lucky one now. We got the wrong concept all this while! :D
My camp - Kem PLKN Geo Kosmo, Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor ; the best.
Took this picture the last day, before leaving :'(
4th of January, gather at Stadium Shah Alam. I was early so I sat the first bus. Hugged daddy & mummy before going up the bus. Saw mummy teared when I went up omg, tears started rolling in my eyes. I was strong enough to hold back my tears. Oh yea, guess who I met in the stadium. Omg you wouldn't believe it. I saw my primary school best friend, Yim!! Omg the world is so small isn't it?! At first I saw him when I was lining up, and I thought this guy looks really really extremely familiar. Then the teacher started calling names to broad the bus. And when teacher called my name, he turned & look at me, and we both keep staring at each other hahahaha! That was when I realize I didn't recognise the wrong person. Hahahaha! We both sat the same bus, heading to the same camp! Omg isn't it cool? The world is so. damn. freaking. small. Or maybe we're fated ahahaha!
Yim & I.
Reached the camp, a warden came in the bus. The 'Keselamatan' warden! He gave us all an envelope with RM10 inside, welcomed us, & gave us instructions on what to do next. I was so blur LOL kept asking people what should I do cause I didn't pay attention when the warden was talking. Saw Ashley Seow, my ex-secondary school mate hahaha. Chat for awhile. So, I've got my No. Indeks, filled in forms, check luggage, take sarung bantal etcetc. ; A girl who reached there a day earlier asked me for my Index number & tell me where am I supposed to sit. I am in company Alpha, the best. So I'm now Lam Yi Ting, wirawati Alpha, AP2-9. Yim is in company Charlie btw. Sat down, talked to people. After awhile, there came this girl asking me what's my Index number, then she brought a girl here. Choy Yen Yen, the first time I met her. We eat together, then we went to our dorm. She's sleeping beside me cause she's AP2-11! We became great friends. We clean our place together, and she bring me to meet her friends, she made a couple of friends before coming to ns lol! She said there's a fb group. But later on we didn't mix that much with the 'fb' friends anymore cause all from different company. And I introduced her to my school friend, Khoo Xiao Xuan! Omg I tell you, this girl right, we're from the same primary school, same secondary school, same camp, same company, same dorm, & we brought the same primary (Lick Hung) shirt to ns! Hahahah! She's just sleeping 2 beds away from me btw. Don't you think we're fated? It's not easy to get chosen to go to the same camp, harder to get same company, and it's even tougher to get chosen to be in the same dorm! Ahahaha; love. We both actually thought that Yen Yen looked like one of our school mate, Rachel Choy! Yen Yen is really '38' hahahaha! The second say when another batch of people coming in, we're like snatching friends cause scared the 'new' people mix with other people hahahaha omg. Laugh die me.

'Keselamatan' Warden!
(From left: Xiao Xuan, Ah Ling, Me, warden & Maggi)
Beloved, Yen Yen & I.
Many of them say we looked like twin ahahaha! Love you my baby darling! :*
Xiao Xuan & I.
We have many things in common! Even our thinkings hehehe.
Time flies; MPK class, PKRS class, KN class etcetc. I used to think MPK class was boring, but when I approached to the other following classes, I started missing MPK class. And regreted for not enjoying & gave in 100% commitment in the class for the past few weeks. And when there's no more class left, I missed class badly. Learnt many new stuffs, made plenty of new friends, becoming confident, active. I enjoy and had loads & plenty of fun there, like seriously. I find DKRT game fun lol i don't know why & I often reflesh back moments when we're playing DKRT. Maybe cause that's the last class activity we have, and everyone, every. single. one. play together, protecting our 'country'. So cute isn't it. :D
Yup, we played here. The huge huge padang kawad.
This place brought back memories like seriously. Every single day kumpul here.
Early in the morning singing Negaraku & PLKN song. Buat senaman. Evening kumpul again before riadah,
& at night kumpul before balik dorm.
Best buddies I met there. The 4 noobs! Hahaha. (YenYen, Ah Ling, Jenny & FangQi) . Miss our crazy times there. Sharing secrets, eat together, supper together in the dark, wake up early / sleep late together, laugh like there's no tomorrow, PT10 together, got scolded together, stand under the hot sun, kawad & jump into the kolam together, running around the dorm without wearing clothes. Haha great times isn't it? I don't mind being tanned. I don't mind staying in the 'sauna' dorm. I really miss hanging out with you guys. Early morning wake up, see all the noob faces, hehehe. Shout your name only, and you guys will answer or come to me. Cheer me up when I'm not in the mood, help me when I'm sick or injured. Great times.
Yen Yen & I.
Love this super cute & noob twinneh. :*
She can make me laugh all day. Super '38'. Shoooooo cuteeeeeeeee.
Look at our beds btw, haha! Back from wirajaya, super exhausted & what a mess! :p
Nichole a.k.a Ah Ling & I. This pretty girl, love her so much.
Although she speak vulgars, *ahemm* but she's super good. Guide me & tell me what to do when I was out of my mind haha. Also, help me put medicine when my legs have blue black, accompany me to Medic when my hand got bitten by insects & bengkak till damn big. Remind me to eat medicine & help me put medicine in time for a couple of days (even me myself forgot) . So sweet isn't it? :*
Jenny & I.
This girl have really really pretty eyes. & she's too innocent hahaha!
She's super blur too ahaha so cute! :*
Huang Kei & I.
I often write her name as Fang Qi lol. Easier.
This girl, super noob. Cannot stand with her during baris or himpun LOL. We'll surely laugh for no reason hahaha! Later kena punish PT10 only you know,
'xia sui' hahaha! She tought all of us this word & now we always use it hahaha!
Good word good word. :*
The 5 of us.
Of course, I miss everyone else there. I miss camp, I miss everything there! Miss my dorm mates too! 27 person living in one dorm. We're like one big family, sing & dance together. Apa yang penting? "Kerjasama" . All for one and one for all. Aww, sweet times.
Took these picture when we was preparing for the presentation for the Arabian Night.
Wirajaya! Great experience.
(From left: Me, Yen Yen, Jenny, Ann Yee, Kah Ling, Ah Ling)
(Front: Maggi)
Our lovely dorm! Hahaha I find the right picture really funny!!
Girls' dorm hahahaha! Like Pasar Malam!!
Last but not least, ALPHA JUARA! Hehehe. Alpha's the best! Lovin' Alpha yo! Delima berbisa.
Alpha got company sukan terbaik (Futsal-2nd, PingPong-2nd, Basketball-2nd, Bola Jaring-1st, Volleyball wirawati-2nd, Volleyball wira-1st, Rentas Desa-1st) heheheee. And we got the most price for the pantun competition too! This will definitely be one of the best memories & great experience in my life. :')
Alpha is the love.
Medal I got for Rentas Desa; tempat keenam.
Wait..... and there goes.... Me.
Wirajaya; Full celoreng.
There's still plenty of pictures. Should I post?